Pedigree of Upjack ISDS 248528 |
Ultimate Rob ISDS 209527 | Int. Supreme CH, Int. Shepherd CH, Int. Wisp ISDS 161487 | Gunner Keele ISDS 148409 | 1982 IntSu 5, 1984 E.Nat 2 Don ISDS 108889 |
Fly ISDS 114092 |
Nell ISDS 143510 | Ben ISDS 119873 |
Nell ISDS 114326 |
Kiri ISDS 161393 | Linton Craig ISDS 93679 | Garry II ISDS 72575 |
Lassie ISDS 80954 |
Jan ISDS 147343 | Eng Team 1984, Eng. Team Res 1985 Sweep ISDS 122471 |
Meg ISDS 89860 |
Nell of Aalst ISDS 208331 | Nap ISDS 184037 | Hope ISDS 124402 | Jas ISDS 113325 |
Jan ISDS 81712 |
Hazel ISDS 158100 | Scot. Shepherds Aggregate CH, Scottish Nat DR CH Vic ISDS 128240 |
Int Br CH 1987 Dot ISDS 127467 |
Meg ISDS 168955 | Ben ISDS 152852 | Eng. Team Member Craig ISDS 113444 |
Cindy ISDS 111196 |
Dryden Maid ISDS 107864 | Scottish Brace CH 1977 Glen ISDS 75630 |
Dryden Queen ISDS 70345 |