Pedigree of Sweep NHSB 2669611 |
Dutch Ch. 03/04, Dutch Cont. team 04/05, 3. WT 2005, 1. CSC 2005 Glen ISDS 244489 | Skippy ISDS 233488 | 1993 Int. Sup 8 Highgate Ben ISDS 174224 | 1987 IntSu 1, 1987 E.Nat 1 Davy ISDS 131049 |
Highgate Gyp ISDS 155299 |
Bet ISDS 221255 | Roy ISDS 174816 |
Sali ISDS 204934 |
Nell ISDS 225059 | Roy ISDS 210399 | Nip ISDS 159288 |
Dell ISDS 187939 |
Meg ISDS 176695 | Roy ISDS 124575 |
Tess ISDS 157136 |
Maid NHSB G-1-2269861 | Nip ISDS 207390 | Int. Dr. Ch. 1992 Lad ISDS 162746 | Welsh Team Member Ianto ISDS 133224 |
Meg ISDS 113516 |
Queen ISDS 160456 | Nipp ISDS 128511 |
Judy ISDS 135909 |
Laddie NHSB 2150016 | Agility Ch. 1999 Comp. Ch 1999 Mighty Mitchell of Mac Sleeves NHSB 1958491 | Daring Dash of Mac Sleeves NHSB 1515866 |
Banjo NHSB G-2-1650185 |
Tara NHSB 2029859 | Roy NHSB 1775734 |
Kentee Kayleigh NHSB 1850567 |