Pedigree of Ath LOSH 888062 |
Upjack ISDS 248528 | Ultimate Rob ISDS 209527 | Int. Supreme CH, Int. Shepherd CH, Int. Wisp ISDS 161487 | Gunner Keele ISDS 148409 |
Nell ISDS 143510 |
Kiri ISDS 161393 | Linton Craig ISDS 93679 |
Jan ISDS 147343 |
Nell of Aalst ISDS 208331 | Nap ISDS 184037 | Hope ISDS 124402 |
Hazel ISDS 158100 |
Meg ISDS 168955 | Ben ISDS 152852 |
Dryden Maid ISDS 107864 |
Voyce LOSH797656 | Dan of Kleine ISDS 197639 | Jim ISDS 123949 | Sam ISDS 89204 |
Dell ISDS 110456 |
Tote ISDS 168161 | Mirk ISDS 121834 |
Nell ISDS 155667 |
Pinkie LOSH 0676101 | Spot of Kleine ISDS 175729 | Eng. Nat. Sh. CH. 1990 Glen ISDS 148742 |
Jed ISDS 143973 |
Flying Joyce of Dark Shadows NHSB 1645057 | Craig ISDS 147825 |
Speck NHSB G-2-1512048 |